Since the invention of the vacuum cleaner, full-sized vacuums have always been considered the most powerful and effective.
Although this holds true most of the time, these vacuum cleaners are limited in a number of ways. Sometimes, only a portable vacuum is the right tool for the job.
One of the limitations of a standard vacuum is the size and weight. This limits portability and maneuverability.
Portable vacuums have become the to-go choice for many people, especially those who want to clean hard-to-reach areas and tight spaces.
So, here is a list of the 10 places a portable vacuum cleaner can clean.
1. Tight Spaces
Tight spaces are characteristic of all houses, ranging from under furniture, corners, crevices and even behind your electronics.
This is where compact portable vacuums are ideal.
Using thinner nozzles or crevice tool attachments will help you reach all the awkward spots within your house and give you a spotless clean.
2. Cars
It is inarguable that a full-sized vacuum cannot get into your car and perform an effective clean due to its dimensions and weight.
Super-portable handheld vacuums, though, are perfect for cleaning your car.
Most of them are cordless and do not limit your movement within the car.
An upholstery tool works well on the seats and upholstered sections while the crevice tool will be ideal for tight areas like between the seats.
3. Pet Hairs
Pet hairs are a nuisance, especially since they tend to get stuck in the places that are hardest to clean.
Bedding, carpets and upholstery are the biggest hotspots for pet hairs and using a portable vacuum cleaner will give you the convenience to clean up immediately. You no longer need to pull out that heavy, full-sized vacuum whenever you see hairs or fur.
Modern portable vacuums incorporate powerful technologies that work brilliantly on pet hair removal.
4. Stairs
Vacuuming stairs with a full-sized vacuum is tiresome and cumbersome since you have to lug it up and down the stairs.
A portable vacuum such as a stick vacuum or handheld vacuum will help a great deal for this task.
Portable canister vacuums with long hoses are also ideal for cleaning stairs.
5. Drapery And Upholstery
Most people concentrate on vacuuming their floors and forget that drapery and upholstery also attract dirt.
Since your full-sized vacuum cannot be used, you need to consider investing in a portable vacuum.
These come with unique tools for each type of cleaning chore. The upholstery tool and dusting brushes can be used for cleaning both upholstery and drapery.
6. Air Vents
Air circulation vents such as air conditioner and ceiling fan vents control the flow of air into and out of the house. This makes them prone to accumulation of dust and fine dirt particles.
Using your portable vacuum cleaner and a dusting brush tool, you will be able to get rid of the dust and dirt on these vents before it harms the motor or spreads back into the air.
7. Ceiling Fans And Lighting
Ceiling fans and lighting also tend to attract dust from the atmosphere.
You should vacuum the blades of the ceiling fans using the vacuum cleaner’s dusting brush tool.
The chandeliers, lamp shades and other forms of lighting should also be cleaned gently using the dusting brush tool. This prevents the dust, dirt and allergens from becoming airborne as the fan or lighting rotates.
8. Quick Messes
Portable vacuums are usually bought with quick cleanup of messes in mind.
Kitchens experience most of these spillages and having to pull out that heavy vacuum from the closet to get deal with it is inconvenient.
A portable handvac or stickvac will be a huge help here as they are more compact, lighter and easy to use.
9. Electronics
Electrical appliances produce sound or heat that create static waves around them, attracting dust and fine airborne dirt.
If these do not get cleaned, they can build up to dangerous levels for both the user and the machine.
Vacuuming regularly with the portable vacuum cleaner’s dusting brush tool will help restore cleanliness and hygiene.
10. Cabinets And Drawers
It is impossible for a full-sized vacuum to get into most cabinets and drawers.
For this reason, your portable vacuum cleaner is the primary cleaning tool for these areas.
For tight spots such as corners, you can use the crevice tool while the other parts can be vacuumed using the dusting brush tool.
Most people believe in cleaning only the floor. This is a mistake.
A portable vacuum cleaner makes it possible to clean all areas above the floors, giving you the chance to enjoy a clean and hygienic atmosphere all over your home.