Store-bought hand soaps can be expensive, and the costs can add up quickly. Today on Fresh Home Guide, we will show you how to make your own hand soap using just liquid castile soap and essential oils. This recipe is easy to make and inexpensive, and best of all, you can personalize it with your favourite essential oils.
Continue reading to find out how to make your own hand soap!
What Is Liquid Castile Soap And Why Is It Good For Your Skin?
Liquid castile soap is a vegetable-based, olive oil-derived soap that’s made without chemical additives and fragrances. It’s known for being gentle on the skin while effectively cleansing it at the same time.
Liquid castile soap can be used as a body wash, shampoo, hand soap or even laundry detergent, making it extremely versatile and cost-effective. Because of its natural ingredients and lack of harsh chemicals, liquid castile soap is a great choice for those with sensitive skin or allergies.
Benefits of using essential oils in handmade soaps
Essential oils not only add a beautiful scent to your homemade hand soap, but they also offer numerous health benefits. Certain essential oils have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties that can help protect against germs and microbes on the skin, while others are known for their healing and calming effects. Essential oils can also be used to treat specific skin problems such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.
What you will need to make your own hand soap
To make your own homemade hand soap with liquid castile soap and essential oils, you will need the following items:
- Liquid Castile Soap – 1 cup
- Distilled Water – 1 cup
- Essential Oils of your choice (optional) – 10-15 drops total
- Empty Pump Dispenser – 1
- Funnel (optional) – 1
Choosing the Right Ingredients
When selecting the ingredients for your homemade hand soap, you want to make sure that you’re choosing high-quality products.
Look for liquid castile soaps made with pure and natural ingredients, free from synthetic fragrances or other additives. For essential oils, you’ll want to look for options that are 100% pure and organic. Be sure to check the labels for any potential skin allergies or reactions.
Follow these tips for picking the best ingredients for your soap:
- Read the labels to make sure the liquid castile soap is free of artificial fragrances, preservatives and other additives
- Choose essential oils that are 100% pure and organic
- Select essential oils with antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties to help protect against germs and microbes on the skin
- Select essential oils that are known for their healing and calming effects, such as lavender or chamomile
- Look for liquid castile soaps made with natural ingredients like olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil
- Choose unscented liquid castile soap or select a scented one depending on your personal preference
- Read reviews from other customers to make sure you’re getting a high-quality product
The Process of Making Your Own Hand Soap
Making your own hand soap with liquid castile soap and essential oils is a quick and easy process that can be completed in just a few steps:
1. Gathering supplies
The first step in making your own hand soap is to gather all the supplies needed. This includes one cup of liquid castile soap, one cup of distilled water, 10-15 drops of essential oils (optional) and an empty pump dispenser. You can also choose to use a funnel when transferring the ingredients into the pump dispenser.
2. Adding essential oils to liquid castile soap base
When adding essential oils to the liquid castile soap base, it’s important to use caution. Start with just 10-15 drops of essential oil and mix it thoroughly before adding more if desired. Some essential oils can be very strong and overpowering, so start with a small amount and gradually add more as needed.
3. Pouring the mixture into soap dispenser
Once the essential oils have been mixed with the liquid castile soap base, it’s time to pour the mixture into an empty pump dispenser. A funnel can be used to make this process easier and help prevent any spills or messes. Once all the ingredients are in place, securely close the lid of the dispenser and give it a few pumps to make sure it’s working properly.
4. Letting the liquid set and solidify
Once the ingredients have been poured into the pump dispenser, it’s important to let the liquid set and solidify before using. This process can take up to 2 hours, so make sure you give it plenty of time to fully settle before using it on your hands.
Safety Considerations
When working with essential oils, it’s important to follow safety precautions to ensure your health and safety. Essential oils are potent substances that can cause skin irritation if used too heavily or in large concentrations. Make sure you read the labels of any essential oil you plan on using and dilute it properly before applying it topically. It’s also a good idea to do a patch test on your skin to make sure you don’t have any allergic reactions.
Store your ingredients safely out of reach of children and pets
It’s also important to store your ingredients safely out of reach of children and pets. Essential oils can be toxic if ingested, so make sure you keep them stored away in a cool and dry place.
In addition, liquid castile soap should be kept out of reach since it can cause skin irritation or burning if contact is made for an extended period of time. Use child-proof containers when possible and store your ingredients in a locked cabinet or on a high shelf to prevent any accidents.
Avoid getting any liquid in your eyes or on your skin
Finally, avoid getting any of the liquid in your eyes or on your skin. Liquid castile soap and essential oils can both be very irritating to delicate areas like your eyes and skin, so make sure you handle them with care. If contact is made accidentally, flush the area thoroughly with water and seek medical attention if needed.
Final Thoughts
Making your own hand soap with liquid castile soap and essential oils is a great way to stay clean and healthy. It’s a cost-effective alternative to purchasing store-bought soaps, as well as being a more natural option that doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances.
Using essential oils also adds a pleasant aroma and can help boost your mood and relax your senses. With the right ingredients, it’s easy to make a luxurious hand soap that will leave you feeling refreshed and clean.
Q: What type of essential oils can I use in my hand soap?
A: Any type of essential oil will work for making your own hand soap, but it is important to start with a small amount and slowly add more until you get the desired scent. Some popular choices include lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, tea tree and peppermint.
Q: How long does homemade liquid castile soap last?
A: With proper storage, homemade liquid castile soap should last up to 6 months or even longer. Make sure to store your hand soap away from direct sunlight and keep the lid closed tightly when not in use. This will help keep your ingredients fresh and prevent any bacteria from growing in the soap.
Q: Is it safe to add food coloring to my hand soap?
A: Yes, you can use food coloring in your homemade hand soap if desired. Keep in mind that food coloring is a dye and could dye clothes if used improperly, so make sure you use it sparingly and always test small amounts first. Additionally, some people may have sensitivities or allergies to certain colors of food dyes, so take caution when using them.